
WARNING - Region of Timoris

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The Region of Timoris - Its History, Its Present, and Why to Avoid It.

This portion of the website is maintained by the
Delenas Institute of Paranormal Studies
Institute Blvd., 1
66601 Phantasma, Timoris
It should be known that while the institute is located actually inside the Region of Timoris, it is just across the border. The Delenas Institute of Paranormal Studies does not encourage travel further into the region, as even our location on the border is considered unsafe by most. Further, this institute is the only entity of modern existence in any part of the region.

The Name
The very name of this region, Timoris, is a Latin word translated as meaning "invoking fear." The origins of the name come from the early 1300's, given due to mysterious happenings encountered in the area. Although the name did not carry much value or substance at the time, it was an eerie prediction of the atrocities yet to come.
A Fair Warning
Please be warned, that no one except highly trained professionals at IDEP (Delenas Institute of Paranormal Studies) should enter Timoris. The Institute is located in the very outer area of the region, as travel further in is usually considered extremely unsafe. Only a few brave scientists have ventured to the region's capitol city, Antrum, to bring back photographs of what no one else dares to see. Some have lost their lives doing it. Most of the images existing of Timoris are presented to you here. Please keep in mind you are about to view images of a desolate and avoided place of great death, and paranormal activity due to these deaths. Some images may be disturbing, the ones most so are near the bottom.


In the year MCCCXLVII (1347 A.D.) the town of Antrum, Timoris was a flourishing city. Antrum was one of Delenas’ major cities, acting an important port city for international imports and exports. Life was good, as Delenas was one of the most advanced countries of the time thanks to its close ties with Europe. On December 10th of 1347, now with the serious threat of the Black Plague spreading to Delenas through trade with Europe, Count Lucian gained control of the Territory of Timoris. The economy of the territory remained strong during his reign, however in 1349 the unspeakable happened. The Black Plague arrived in Delenas aboard a trade ship from England on June 4, 1349. Count Lucian personally greeted the ship as it came into the harbour of Antrum, as an important official from England was on board. The ship waited in the harbour overnight, and began unloading cargo the next day, unleashing the Black Death. Because he was the first citizen of Timoris to be exposed to the disease, he was the first one to show symptoms. Thinking that this was an isolated case, the people took charge and banished Count Lucian to a castle on the nearby baron Devintry Island on June 6, 1349. Unable to escape, his health began a rapid downward spiral. In Timoris, the disease began to wreak havoc on the citizens, starting in Antrum and spreading throughout the region from there. Word quickly spread to Delenas’ capitol city of the outbreak of the Black Death in Antrum. As a perhaps over reactive precautionary measure to stop the spread of the plague, the government constructed a heavy wall around the entire region, and set up a naval barrier to ensure nothing entered or exited through the maritime borders. The entire region became entrapped, people left to die without any sort of outside aid whatsoever. In 1351 when the news of the Black Death epidemic ending in Europe reached Delenas, the government made the decision to take down the walls surrounding Timoris. As a team of doctors escorted by the King’s Army proceeded into the region for the first time in two years, it took them until reaching the outskirts of Antrum to realize the magnitude of the disaster that occurred.


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As they walked through the uninhabited countryside of Timoris, they expected upon arrival in Antrum to find a city of people healthy once again, living off of the resources that were available within the region. Instead, they found a metropolis of death, that not one living soul was able to escape from. Bodies lay everywhere, in the streets, in carriages attached to the dead bodies of horses, slumped over dining tables, and every other place imaginable. Men, women, and children. An eerie, out of place silence surrounded the once great city of Antrum as the recovery team left the city to report the tragedy. When a team was sent to search for Count Lucian on Devintry Island, neither he nor his remains were ever found.


The cleanup of Antrum and Timoris in 1351 went without paranormal incident despite the enormous amount of tragic death that occurred in the area. There were, however, an outstanding number of reports from townspeople living on the mainland within sight of Count Lucius’ island between the years of 1349 and 1351 of a black, bat-like, human-sized creature taking flight from the castle heading towards Timoris.


The city of Antrum and the Timoris region were avoided, left much abandoned throughout the following 250 years, only the fearless daring to take up residence in the area. However in the year 1604 after Delenas had once again been flourishing for many years during the age of the Renaissance, Timoris was once again inhabited, and Antrum once again became a thriving city. Starting around the year 1610, reports started to surface from the townspeople and upper class alike, of strange occurrences in their homes and shops, as well as continued sightings of the bat creature. Items would disappear or be moved without explanation, voices and screams originating from nowhere were heard. Even though these reports continued throughout the next 250 years, anyone who reported such an incident risked being thought mentally insane and thrown into the Timoris Asylum as many people mistakenly were in this time period. Timoris continued to be successful, many castles were built in the region, and tiny villages started in the 14th century were expanded upon. Life in Timoris was once again good, aside from the occasional paranormal activity and curiously cloudy weather most of the time. This all changed once again on June 6, 1849, exactly the 500th anniversary of the day Count Lucian was banished to the island castle. On the night of June 7, the citizens of the region went to bed as normal, thinking of their plans for the next day; where they needed to go, who they needed to see. As the sun began to rise, the entire region remained silent. Not one person in Timoris awoke that morning. An investigation team was sent into the region to find an explanation for such an unfathomable event, however when they did not return, all investigation and rescue attempts were called off. The region of Timoris was deemed simply too dangerous to enter, for an unknown reason. As technology developed, tests were done on air, soil, and water samples carefully collected from the region by scientists travelling by means of air transportation. No one was willing to take the risk of entering Timoris without a very rapid escape available, as the only explanation for what happened, to this day, is a supernatural occurrence since absolutely no other scientific proof or explanation exists for such widespread yet exactly located death. No one outside the border, where the 14th century wall once stood, was harmed. It is very popular among the more brave travellers to walk across the bridge entering the region of Timoris (pictured near the bottom of this page), just crossing the border to say that they have been there, and to hear the ambient voices and/or screams that will almost certainly fill the air as soon as the border is crossed. The Republic of Delenas strongly discourages anyone from doing so. The Region of Timoris is known to be the most active paranormal area on the planet.

The Black Death
Paintings of the 14th Century depicting Antrum.

The Black Death












Paranormal activity captured on film- Running water in a city desolate for years







Horrific Painting
This painting, along with the one to the right, were found in Antrum.

The Black Death
Another 14th Century painting of Antrim.

The Black Death


















As this picture was taken, this scientist had a heart attack and was rushed to the closest hospital in Adelaide, where he died 2 days later. When his pictures were developed, this was found.

Timoris Bridge
The Timoris Border Bridge, view from the Timoris side. It is advised not to cross this bridge.

Horrific Painting
These were originally portraits of real people. However, tests detected no evidence of re-painting.

The Government of Delenas does not encourage travel into the Timoris Region, as it is not responsible for harm or other happenings encountered there. Please take advice to avoid this area.