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"...comparable only to the country's cultural and landscape differences from east to west, north to south."

The cuisine of Delenas is incredibly unique, ranging in a variety of tastes and styles comparable only to the country's cultural and landscape differences from east to west, north to south. In the south of Delenas, the flavour is characterized by a curious combination of spices such as cinnamon, garlic, white wine, and egg-lemon. Garlic is especially found in most dishes native to the region. It is widely known that some of the best tasting garlic in the world is grown in the central area of the Hollister region, in southwest central Delenas. Garlic grown here is almost magical in the way that it gives a slightly different flavour to each dish it is used in, making it a mouth-watering spice that is nearly impossible to resist. That's why real vampires, which are believed to exist only in Delenas, are not afraid of garlic as in some foreign "legends." On the contrary, it is a favourite spice of the Vampire.